In Always Striving

Always Striving

About Always Striving

Set to officially launch 2021 on alwaysstriving.com.au

Always Striving has been bought to life for the dreamers striving to be their best selves and live their best lives.

We are a Melbourne based brand delivering you stylish everyday pieces with a touch of attitude to inspire you through the day.

The Story behind the brand…

After playing around as a “micro influencer” for 4 years but always struggled to define the message I wanted to share, I regularly lost motivation and neglected my platform.

With all of the extra thinking time 2020 has delivered, as a striving entrepreneur, always striving to better myself and turn my never-ending ideas into reality. Always striving really summed me up as a person and the way I live my live.  With newfound clarity why not start a new brand?

Floating the idea of stationary, apparel and a podcast with my sister, Kirsten, we began turning Always Striving into a reality. With big plans for the brand, we look forward to sharing this journey with you 🙂 

Launching our first product the 2021 Printable Calendar this month, this is only the beginning!

xx Alarna & Kirsten

“I have always wanted to create a brand full of personality with an impactful message. When people purchase an item from us I hope that our brand and message inspires them to always strive to be the best version of themselves and create a life they love to live.” – Alarna